Monday, January 31, 2011

Learner Profiles

Im a FF profile, logic dominant. Its fairly bizarre because, even though I have a more significant access to the left side of my brain, I have quite a balanced usage of my gestalt side as well. I suppose that puts me to an advantage when doing analysis and assessing situations but sometimes messes me up on specifically logical (math) or gestalt (building) activities because I have to adjust and change the "dominant" side I utilize.

I learn best when I focus visually and deeply analyze details in information, this is because whenever Im not conscious of the specifics, it makes me feel ignorant or oblivious and almost stirs an immediate feeling of unease. I also do well when I am supplied with structured learning and data/information in a sequences, orderly manner. When things aren't organized, I lose track and get lost and dont know what to refer to and this causes for me to feel frustrated or have to rewrite the whole "lesson" in my own structured way. I do disagree with my profile a little because I don't believe showing me pictures will help me learn better in anyway, I mean: granted, I do respond to visual models but I also respond to audio and sensory models as well. I LOVE LISTS, I could make them, read them and alter them all day, because for me, when some thing is ordered I feel like I have control over it and haver a constant thing to refer to. This is why learning with our lesson, questions and activities listed is easier for me to follow because everything has a structure I appreciate.  I am emotionally expressive (physically - :P perhaps) and I love learning when I can write things down, remember them and organize them in a detailed manner. I love stress because it makes me more more efficiently and give more effort but I tend to lose my auditory skills under stress and not listen to anyone around me (which often proves to be a problem.) Im also a language lover, learning new languages is something thats a bit of a pastime, like spanish, portuguese, italian etc. This is why I love studying history and etymology in the classroom because it feels like a much more natural way of learning the signification of words.

I need to learn to work on my auditory skills because sometimes, when something tends to drag on (a movie, music video, class discussion etc.) I start having my own little conversation inside my head and thinking of other thing. Under stress, or when anxious regarding anything: I automatically lose the ability to listen to people or process anything that is said to me. Often this gets me in a reasonable amount of trouble because teachers and friends understand it as a lack of interest or want to participate.
Things that would help me learn is when I'm constantly asked questions, because I like answering things as it makes me feel like I have an opportunity to explain what I know and discuss it with other people. I also benefit from sitting at the front, reading aloud and talking about whats going on with people so that I can remain engaged the whole time. All of these things are just methods of keeping me interested on the task at hand. In the back, I would still retain all the information given but I would be more susceptible to distraction

I would like my teachers to know that as much as I will have my own little thing going on in my head, Im listening to everything and remembering every piece of information, its just that being able to think about something else helps me process things better. No matter how much it looks like I'm talking to people, laughing or looking in places not pertinent to the activity, I AM retaining all the information that is being given out. I have extremely good focus, I just need to be able to do something or engage in something else in order to properly "participate" in what is happening.  I analyze everything in my head until it makes sense and I know it inside out, its kind of an obsessive thing with me and I try my best to keep it to myself, so when you see my spaces out, or doodling, usually im writing down every little detail I feel relates to the topic. Also, when it looks like a use extensive vocabulary or words that perhaps should be simplified in order to better my writing, its an honest mistake. I read words and remember their roots and meanings and use them so, when I think of very simple things like "13 years gone by", my kind of immediately alters that to something like "the vicissitudes of 13 years." That why when I read comments about my vocabulary, or the way I structure a sentence: I feel really confused because I don't actually KNOW how to judge easy from hard. Also, on tests: questions need to be VERY specific and precise EXACTLY what it means. The questions on the Julius Caesar "pop quiz" ( the easy one) were fairly simple, but it gave me an unimaginable amount of trouble because the questions were not specific enough. For example "Did Cassius want all the power?" That is much too vague of a statement for me to deal with when there is a SPECIFIC answer. "Did Cassius organize the conspiracy in order to accumulate all the power for himself" would have been much simpler.

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