Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who do Civilizations Need Laws?

Why do we need laws? Well, there are many answers to that. Here are some of mine:

Without laws there would be no civilization because people would do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted and however they wanted and ther would be no sense of community.

With laws, we stop criminals, we set boundaries and we give rights to people. A civilization cannot function if no rules are set. Also, in a civilization, people have to have some boundaries but also equal rights. If a civilization only IMPOSES on its citizens, then it would be dictatual rule and nohing else. Laws are needed to keep everything in order, to make sure things continue to happen, to ensure that the people of the civilization live. Yes, laws protect people physically too. Without laws, we could kill people for candy and nothing would happen, you could shoot your parents for not letting you go to a party. Everything would be in total disorder. Laws make civilizations what they are and it is laws that determine how well a civilization will do in the long run.

When I think of Hammurabi's code I think its very harsh. I do think he had a reason for that though. In the picture it ssays law and ORDER. Hammurabi set the punishments for not respecting the law really high so nobody would oppose his law. I think he might have also done it because otherwise, if the punishments were smaler, than I believe that there wouldn't be much order as some people could find it affordable to break the law.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Civilization, a process through history: Part Two

This is my second post, I will now expand further on my previous thoughts and inquire deeper into my ideas.

Do you remember when I said that civilization was a process and not a happening? Now, I want to explain my thoughts about that. First of all, what is the process? There are many steps to the process. It is something that takes time. The process is the time and events it takes to attain civilization. I cannot depend on a single definition as I find it impossible to rely on one thought. I think the process is the hundreds and thousands of events and incidents that lead to civilization. The mistakes committed by men that lead to numerous discoveries throughout the centuries. The "steps", aren't exactly ordered.

If you imagine the way to civilization as a labyrinth, each event is a step towards the exit to civilization. Of course, it happens that we get lost and have to track our steps backwards to find our place again, history is the labyrinth of time.
Personally, I do not know the steps, men through 1000's of years have created those steps: The dicovery of fire, the ability to farm, professional craftsmanship etc. There are millions of steps.

What makes us think we are at the end of this infinit maze of history? If you ask me, I feel as this is a continuum, we have long to go and always will. The steps are advancing everyday, but think of it this way, what if the labyrinth is getting bigger everyday too . Because everyday, our discoveries open new doors for men, more paths to go through. Everyday, more events shape the labyrinth, more happenings occur in the world. The process is neverending, we are getting further everyday.

If a group of people rely on happenings to evolve, they will get nowhere. If we take example on the Papua New Guineans, they are now farming the same way as they did hunderds of years ago. They never created their steps. Stone tools are modern technology to them . The result is that they have gotten nowhere, they are stuck at the beggining of the labyrinth, the same way as they were 500 years ago.

But now, if you look at the U.S.A! In this nation, men and women have constantly been creating thier steps, improving, changing, ameliorating them. The Americzns have been able to use their bare necessities to advance them in maze to civilization, not only that but to advance them in life.

There are no necessicities. You need men, thought, ideas and ACTION. Resources are extras to help ease the process. These are the four bare necessities.

please comment on what you thought about it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

"Civilization, a process through history"

Today we watched a movie. It was great. For my headline, i chose " Civilization, a process through history." because I thought that summed up the movie in a different way. I thought that because most of us saw civilization as something that happened over the years, just a "happening". I actually see it as a process, something to strive to , consciously or unconsciously.