Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Essential For an Unforgettable Epoch

The Renaissance was an era for artistic and intellectual development. It commenced in Florence, Italy : a realm for ideas. Postulations, experiments, hypotheses : Italy was the place to be. The Renaissance was a movement of progress that scoured through Europe in the 14 to 1600's. Often, this period in history will be recalled for its distinct advances in both scientific and exploratory methods as well as its governmental and political changes. Patronage, the Medici bank, the invention of the telescope etc. I believe that what made the Renaissance such a memorable time in history is the artists. They were the driving force behind this time period. Although, admittedly, there are a variety of peculiar factors that can be attributed to the singularity of the Renaissance, I think that art encompasses a multitude of the advances (intellectual: theoretical and analytical, scientific, mathematical) that were being made.

Prodigies such as Bruneslleschi, Da Vinci, Boticelli, Michelango and Donatello. Brunelleschi initiated the concept of linear perspective which was a significant expansion in creative possibilities concerning drawing and painting. This gave the opportunity for other artists to incorporate more realism into their pieces of art. Leonardo Da Vinci and his elaborate depictions of the human anatomy, his research into the accurate illustration of human limbs. There was Michelango and his paintings like the Creation of Adam. Paintings embellished architectural structures and served as ornaments to churches. The biggest dome (at the time), was internally adorned with magnificent works of art.

Often, a city's status would depend upon various factors regarding appearance and aesthetics of the area. Accomplished craftsmen were esteemed by their city-state and often prioritized by prosperous families seeking to offer patronage. Some of the most renowned canvases and distinguished artists originated from the Renaissance phase and remain until now, the cynosure of all aspiring artistes at expositions of galleria viewings. Everyone knows and recognizes the work of Da Vinci, the sketches of Boticelli and the statue of David. These artistic virtuosos and the products of their artistry remain embedded into our life, hundreds of years later.
This is why, I can firmly state that I believe artists were the most significant driving force behind what we call the Renaissance.

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